
On May 5 1970, Nargol village situated in the State of Gujarat, India witnessed a historical event, where Her Holiness Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi meditated under the Causuriana tree to open the last Chakra of the Universe. Shree Mataji experienced the enlightenment as the Sahasrara of the Universe was opened and gifted us as Sahaja Yoga and also known as self-realization.


Shri Mataji was born as Nirmala Salve on March 21, 1923 to Shri Prasad Rao and Mrs Cornelia Salve in Chhindwara city of Madhya Pradesh. Chhindwara located on the South-West region of “Satpura Range of Mountains”. The holy Birthplace at Chhindwara had been in possession of non yogis since Shri Mataji left Chhindwara to live in Nagpur. The House where Shri Mataji was born was acquired from the last occupant and restored as per original.

Her Holiness Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi lived in Pratishthan from 1986 till 2010. The construction of Pratishthan commenced on 08 January 1986. Shri Mataji personally designed Pratishthan to demonstrate how vibrations penetrate matter and create the coefficient of vibrations.